Postoperative Instructions for Tooth Extractions


For simple tooth extractions:

  • Avoid smoking for 3 days, for better and faster healing of soft and hard tissues.
  • Avoid hot foods and liquids for 24 hours
  • Avoid eating at the site of extraction for at least 3 days
  • Avoid exercise and heavy work for at least 48 hours.
  • Avoid brushing at the site of extraction for 3 days
  • Wash with saline 3 times a day for 3 days (a small glass of wine with a teaspoon).
  • Minor bleeding is normal in the first hours after the extraction.
  • You do not have to rinse your mouth constantly because it does not allow the wound to heal.
  • In case of severe bleeding after 48 hours contact us for instructions, or come to our dental office for a checkup.
  • Be careful not to bite your lips as long as the anesthesia lasts.
  • At night try to sleep later than usual, and sleep with your head slightly raised.
  • Pain and discomfort are likely to exist. And it’s perfectly normal
  • You may have a fever.
  • Edema is likely to occur. It usually gets completely gone after 14 days. The more invasive the treatment, the more likely it is to have edema.

For exports of semi-enclosed, closed teeth, and more invasive treatments:

  • Avoid smoking for 3 days, for better and faster healing of soft and hard tissues.
  • Apply ice to the site of extraction for 2-3 hours only on the first day of surgery, without direct skin contact (put on a towel), hold it for 10 minutes and take it away for another 10. This will reduce edema (swelling) )
  • Avoid hot foods and liquids for 24 hours
  • Avoid eating at the site of extraction for at least 3 days
  • Avoid exercise and heavy work for at least 48 hours
  • Avoid brushing at the site of extraction for 3 days
  • Wash with saline 3 times a day for 3 days (a small glass of wine with a teaspoon).
  • Minor bleeding is normal in the first hours after extraction because it does not allow the wound to heal.
  • In case of severe bleeding after 48 hours contact us for instructions, or from our dental office for a checkup.
  • Be careful not to bite your lips as long as the anesthesia lasts.
  • At night try to sleep later than usual, and sleep with your head slightly raised
  • Pain and discomfort are likely to exist. And it’s perfectly normal
  • You may have a fever.
  • Edema is likely to occur. It usually gets completely after 14 days. The more invasive the treatment, the more likely it is to have edema.
  • Pain and discomfort are likely to exist. And it’s perfectly normal
  • You may have a fever.
  • Edema is likely to occur. It usually gets completely gone after 14 days. The more invasive the treatment, the more likely it is to have edema.
  • If stitches have been placed, visit us after 10 days to remove them.

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