
Braces and orthodontic treatment are done to align misaligned teeth and close gaps between teeth. 

Orthodontic treatment is a slow process and takes a long time to complete. The duration depends on the severity of the case. The patient may feel discomfort in the first days.

Children, as well as adults, may need orthodontics and it is necessary to follow certain guidelines in order to get the best results during the time they are treated.

Oral Hygiene during Orthodontics – Tooth brushing and flossing

Particular attention should be paid to oral hygiene as braces and removable orthodontic appliances will make it difficult for you to keep your teeth and gums clean. Brush your teeth and gums thoroughly at least twice a day and after each meal to keep plaque and tartar from building up around your braces and orthodontic structures.

Orthodontic toothbrush – The orthodontic toothbrush has specially designed bristles that help get between the braces to remove plaque and dislodge food. 

Interdental Brushes – Interdental Brushes allow access to areas under brackets and wires to help remove plaque, and food debris. Interdental brushes have thin tips that allow them to slide under the wire and around the brackets. But be careful not to push the brush between your teeth with force and injure your gums.

Instructions for Braces
  • Patients should floss once a day after brushing if possible.
  • The use of fluoridated toothpaste is recommended.
  • Use fluoride mouthwash at night after brushing.
  • Always have your toothbrush, floss and interdental brushes with you so you can clean your teeth even when you’re not at home.

Dietary habits during Orthodontic Treatment 

  • Avoid sticky and hard foods. Such as chewing gum, candies, jellies, popcorn, nuts or ice cubes.
  • Cut raw fruits and vegetables into sections before eating them.
  • Cut the corn off the cob before eating it.
  • Do not bite hard food.
  • Avoid sugary snacks that can increase your risk of tooth decay and can damage your braces.
  • Do not chew gum, even sugar-free gum.
  • Do not smoke or chew tobacco.

Useful tips for irritation from braces or orthodontic appliances

  • If your appliance causes persistent discomfort, breaks or loosens, then you should call your orthodontist for an appointment.
  • If there is a sharp part on the brace or orthodontic wire, then cover it with orthodontic relief wax or wet cotton ball.
  • Take any loose rubber bands or broken pieces to your orthodontist.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.

When should you call your orthodontist?

  • You should call your orthodontist if there are any questions or doubts in your mind.
  • Call your orthodontist immediately if a wire breaks, a band or bracket comes loose.
  • The orthodontist should schedule a special appointment to repair any problems.

Important – Don’t forget!

  • If you wear night braces or orthodontic appliances, always bring them with you to every appointment.
  • Broken or loose brackets and dislodged braces, etc., will prolong treatment.
  • Cooperation is essential in the use of splints, night appliances, and all removable appliances for successful treatment.

Guidelines on Orthodontic Appliances and Mechanisms 

Tooth Separators 

Tooth Separators are small elastics that fit snugly between the molars to help them move slightly apart so that bands can be placed around them after a few days.

Instructions for braces - tooth separators
  • Do not use dental floss in places where separators are placed.
  • Check the separators every day.
  • The separators will go away by itself when enough space is created.
  • When separators are placed, your bite may feel odd, but this is normal.
  • Your teeth may hurt in the first few days.
  • Call immediately for an appointment if they have come out, as they need to be replaced.
  • If they went out the day before the date, then you don’t need to call.

Teeth Elastics

These are tiny rubber bands that attach to the upper and lower arm extension to speed up treatment progress.

Instructions for braces - teeth elastics
  • Braces must be worn at all times except when brushing teeth.
  • Try to eat with the elastics as it will speed up the progress. A new set of elastics should be worn every day, morning and night, after brushing your teeth.
  • If the elastic on one side breaks, remove the elastic on the other side as well, then replace each side with new elastics.
  • Always keep extra elastics with you so that if the elastics break, you can replace them immediately and that way the applied force will not stop and as well as will be correct.
  • Wear your braces and go to the appointment so your orthodontist can check that you are using your braces correctly.
  • If you find that you are running out of elastics, you should contact your orthodontist and ask for some extras.

Removable Orthodontic Appliances

Instructions for braces-removable orthodontic appliances
  • Wear your appliance strictly according to your orthodontist’s instructions.
  • Brush your device and teeth twice a day and after each meal with hand or dish soap.
  • Do not put the device in boiling water or bleach for cleaning.
  • Your speech will be difficult and there will be a plastic taste for the first few days, but the problem will be solved in a few days.
  • After wearing the device for the first few days, there will be excessive drooling, but it will be controlled as you continue to use it.
  • If you experience any discomfort while using or adjusting the appliance, contact your orthodontist.
  • When the device is not in use, store it in a plastic container.
  • Keep away from pets.
  • Do not use your tongue to remove your device.
  • Know the correct method of inserting and removing the device.
  • If the appliance becomes loose, bends or breaks, contact your orthodontist immediately.

Instructions for Orthodontic Clear Aligners

removable orthodontic retainer adc galani
  • You must wear the Clear Aligners at all times except for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing. The goal should be about 22 hours a day.
  • After brushing your teeth every morning and night, brush the Clear Aligners with your toothbrush and hand or dish soap.
  • It would be best to brush your teeth after every meal and before inserting the Clear Aligners, so as to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • You must eat and drink without wearing the Clear Aligners.
  • You can drink water while wearing them. If you drink any other drink while wearing them, then there are chances of them getting dirty and the risk of tooth decay will increase.
  • You should not smoke while wearing them, as they may become discolored.
  • There will be discomfort for the first few days for about 3 to 4 days after using them.
  • In the first few days, you may have a difficulty or difficulty in speaking, but after a few days you will start to get used to them.
  • When not in use, you should keep your Clear Aligners in the case provided to avoid any damage or loss.

You should follow the schedule your orthodontist has told you at home and change the Clear Aligners on set dates. It is your responsibility. You should follow your appointment schedule on time to ensure treatment progress.

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