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Fixed Denture in All on 4 and All on 6 Implants

Fixed Denture in All on 4 and All on 6 Implants


Fixed Dentures in 4 and 6 Implants – Tooth in 1 day

When you have suffered tooth loss, whether due to disease or perhaps an accident, then full mouth dental implants are perhaps a very welcome solution to the problem. At Galani Dental Clinic, our expertise in providing this excellent solution to replace all teeth with implants either all on 4 or even 6, performed on the same day, is the perfect solution that will restore your mouth as close to the original situation as it may be. All this can be done on the same day.

When teeth are missing, many things are affected. Not only have you lost the ability to chew and eat properly, but the entire shape of your face can change and you can appear much larger than you actually are. Your speech will also be affected. But our dentists will help you with advanced dental implant treatment that will restore your smile.

Whether you do the ALL ON 4 or ALL ON 6 implants method, the procedure will be the same. Either four or six implants will be integrated into the jawbone. These titanium posts will then serve as roots for the new teeth, which will be fixed over the implants.

Dental Implants - All on 4, All on 6
Fixed Dentures in 4 Implants

Dental Implants – All on 4 & All on 6

Currently ALL ON 4 or ALL ON 6 dental implant treatment are the two options for treatment often called teeth in a day, this treatment addresses a problem for anyone with multiple missing teeth and can address the problem in just one day replacing the teeth of the upper and lower arch. The replacement is completed with a fixed bridge attached to your dental implants. This treatment is particularly popular because a patient will not have to be without teeth for any length of time, because during the entire treatment teeth will be present, at first with a temporary prosthetic restoration and then, when the implants are set, the permanent. For those for whom it is important to have the least impact on their life, speech and diet, it may be the perfect solution.

What are the benefits of a fixed denture with 4 and 6 implants?

• The first step is to carefully plan the treatment with your dentist so that your new teeth can be fitted on the same day and your new smile can be created after just a few hours.

• The arch or the entire set of teeth is supported by just 6 or 4 implants with the cost advantage over the alternative of eight to ten implants.

• This missing teeth solution is the closest you’ll ever get having your own teeth back.

• Longer implants will often be applied to those who have less bone and avoid the need for bone grafting.

• Of course dental implants will require maintenance and proper care, but unlike taking care of dentures, wear and tear problems that are loosen or causing gum friction will not be issues to deal with.

• The treatment is very fast, providing results on the same day.

• These solutions can be effective for cases that are more complex for which such a solution would not have been possible before.

Dental Implants - All on 4, All on 6
Fixed Dentures in 4 Implants

The All on 4, All on 6 process

Before starting any treatment, our dentist will thoroughly examine you to ensure that there is sufficient bone mass to provide support for all implants. At this point you may need to have x-rays or a CT scan to get the required information. Having all on 4 or 6 dental implants is the procedure that will succeed because of the in-depth planning and work done before the new implants are placed. We pride ourselves on our very high success rate with dental implant cases

• Before doing the procedure, a model of your teeth or what your teeth looked like will be made and can be improved and adjusted as you wish.

• Once the procedure begins, the dentist will make small incisions in the gums to insert the implants.

• At this point a set of temporary teeth will be placed on the implants.

• Once the dentist is satisfied that the bone has regenerated and that the wounds caused by the incisions have healed, treatment can proceed.

• The final prosthesis will be placed after approximately 4-6 months. The quality of the prosthetic work we use in our practice is such that it will look as if you had your natural teeth.

The cost of Dental Implants for All on 4

There is no doubt that full mouth implants can be completely life changing by improving enjoyment and restoring confidence. However, this process should only be performed by those with the highest level of expertise and the required skills. Therefore, the cost of this procedure reflects these events and the implants – so depending on who you entrust your restoration to, the cost usually starts from around 7,500 euros.


How are All on 4 Implants different from traditional dental implants?

Traditional implants did not support an entire jaw of teeth. Having all on 4 implants allows an entire upper or lower jaw of teeth to be attached to them. Traditional implant therapy may require six to ten implants. The reason we can only work with four implants is that the implants in the back of the mouth are angled increasing the prosthetic work surface. Having fewer implants means less invasive treatment.

Will the All on 4 Dental Implants Treatment be painful?

No, we’ll make sure you don’t suffer any pain. After the treatment is complete you may have some redness, swelling and discomfort, but both all on 4 and all on 6 treatments will be virtually pain free. Any discomfort will go away in a few days. You may feel strange at first, but most patients return to normal within a few days.

How long does the All on 4 Dental Implant Procedure take?

There is an initial consultation with a thorough examination. Then everything is done in one appointment even if the patient needs to have some teeth extracted. It will all be over in a day and you can go home with your beautiful new teeth and smile.

What is the success rate with the All on 4 Dental Implant Procedure?

The figures for all on 4 dental implant procedures performed in the UK are approximately 98.3% for lower teeth and approximately 98% for upper teeth.

Am I a suitable candidate for All on 4 and All on 6 Implants?

At Galani Dental Clinic, our 3D imaging technology determines the best treatment option to evaluate your jaw bone density. Ninety-five percent of people will be considered suitable for “all on 4 and all on 6” treatment.

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